Progressing to provisional fellowship

In order to progress to provisional fellowship training, you will need to complete the requirements of advanced training and secure a suitable provisional fellowship position.

The provisional fellowship training represents the final year of ANZCA training and transition from trainee to specialist anaesthetist.

This year broadly aims to build on the ANZCA Roles in Practice, promote increasing clinical independence where appropriate, and foster the opportunity to acquire new technical and non-technical skills including the supervision of others and engagement in departmental or institutional activities

Provisional fellowships are diverse in nature, with trainees independently selecting and applying to roles of interest. The fellowships may be based within Australia and New Zealand, or may be located overseas.

Each provisional fellowship position will need an approved study plan. Some study plans are pre-approved by the college, but you may put forward your own individualised study plans for approval. For information relating to provisional positions, please see below.

Securing a provisional fellowship position

Trainees undertaking provisional fellowship training on a part-time basis will need to submit a part-time training application together with their provisional fellowship training application.

Please be aware, no more than 208 weeks of training can be completed at a single training site.

There are two categories of provisional fellowship training plans to choose from.

These plans have been pre-approved by the college and will have a unique predefined position ID. Pre-defined positions are listed below.  If you have selected a pre-approved plans, please email us with the following information:

- Predefined position ID (see below)
- Copy of employment contract confirming position title and the start and end date

Trainees undertaking provisional fellowship training on a part-time basis will need to submit a part-time training application together with their provisional fellowship training application.

Please be aware, no more than 208 weeks of training can be completed at a single training site.

Training sites

Hospitals are encouraged to seek pre-approval for an ongoing study plan, also known as predefined position. These study plans are valid for five years and are approved by the Provisional Fellowship Subcommittee.

PFT site application
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This application form should be used by ANZCA accredited training sites to apply for prospective approval of a predefined provisional fellowship study plan.

PFT site application reapproval
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This application form should be used by the training sites wishing to apply for re-approval of predefined study plans.


Application guidelines for trainees and training sites

These guidelines will assist you in preparing an application for an individualised, overseas study plan training sites pre-approval.

Scan, fax, or post application forms to the college along with a position description. An original copy of the form is not required. All questions on the application form must to be addressed with as much detail as possible.

Position description standards

You should address each of the following standards in the position description. There is considerable variability in provisional fellowship positions and applications can be quite different. 

  • Clinical experience: Describe the range and volume of clinical practice case numbers) that will be available to the trainee and how this practice will enable them to complete the requirements of provisional fellowship training. This needs to be demonstrated by a typical weekly roster. Clinical experience must meet the requirement set by regulation 37.
  • Supervision: Detail the levels of supervision offered to the trainee and how/if these will be altered throughout the course of the term to suit the trainees transition into independent practice.
  • Supervisory roles and assessment: Outline the level of access trainees will have to qualified supervision and assessment, including methods of assessment as per the ANZCA curriculum, such as WBAs and CPRs.
  • Education and teaching: Outline the opportunities within the department to allow provisional fellowship trainees to develop formal and informal teaching skills.
  • Transition to independent practice: Stipulate how the position will facilitate the trainee’s transition into independent practice. It should be made clear what the difference is between the provisional fellowship position and; other training positions, consultant positions.
  • Clinical leadership: Outline how and when trainees are given the opportunity to develop their clinical leadership capacity, such as training junior trainees and managing the caseload/list independently.
  • Clinical support time/non-clinical time: State how much time/how many sessions per week are dedicated to the clinical support activities of research, audit, teaching or administration, to meet the requirement set by regulation 37.