Diving and hyperbaric medicine training program

Our Advanced Certificate in Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine (ANZCA Adv Cert DHM) provides a unique opportunity for specialist doctors to "take the plunge" into an exciting, emerging area of medicine.

Two divers deep underwater

While this post-specialisation qualification does not lead to specialist registration in diving and hyperbaric medicine (DHM), it's the only one of its kind in Australia and New Zealand. Award of the advanced certificate requires completion of diving and hyperbaric medicine (DHM) training program and a specialist qualification acceptable to ANZCA Council, as well as current medical registration and declaration of fitness to practice.

Course structure and content

DHM curriculum learning objectives

The following documents outline the course content and structure of the training program.

Course content documents

Reg 36 - ANZCA advanced certificate in diving and hyperbaric medicine
484.85 KB

Regulation 36 applies to all trainees undertaking the ANZCA Advanced Certificate in Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine from 31 July 2017.

ANZCA regulation
ANZCA Advanced Certificate in Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine – Curriculum
554.93 KB

Learning, teaching and assessment requirements of the Adv Cert in DHM

Education and training resources
ANZCA Advanced Certificate in Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine – Training handbook
1.09 MB

Handbook for the ANZCA Advanced Certificate in Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine (ANZCA Adv Cert DHM)

Education and training resources

DHM exam

The diving and hyperbaric medicine (DHM) exam is a test of knowledge, behaviours and clinical skills pertinent to a specialist medical practitioner in diving and hyperbaric medicine. The DHM exam is conducted annually, and consists of a written component and a viva voce section.

To be eligible to sit the exam, you must have completed a minimum of 26 weeks (full-time equivalent) towards DHM training by the date of the written section. You are allowed up to three attempts at the exam.

2025 DHM exam details


Written examination


7 August 2025


Viva examination


11 September 2025


Registration Closing Date


15 May 2025


Withdrawal fee date

23 July 2025

Written Venues: Adelaide, Brisbane, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney
Viva Venues:  Melbourne

We have past DHM exam reports available to help you prepare for your exam.

You can access question papers with your ANZCA ID.

Apply to join

To register as a diving and hyperbaric (DHM) trainee, you'll need to have secured a training appointment in an accredited DHM unit and either of the following:

1. A specialist qualification deemed acceptable to the college.
2. At least 104 weeks full-time equivalent (FTE) training towards such a qualification.

Please allow 2-4 weeks for processing.

DHM Registration form
255.81 KB

This form is to be used by medical practitioners to apply for diving and hyperbaric medicine (DHM) training in Australia and New Zealand.

DHM Training agreement
61.51 KB

DHM Training agreement

DHM Recognition of prior learning
200.38 KB

This form is to be used by trainees seeking an assessment of their eligibility for recognition of prior learning (RPL).


Award of the Advanced Certificate

Once you've met your training requirements, you may apply for the award of the ANZCA Advanced Certificate in DHM. You can apply directly from your ePortfolio.