Explore our anaesthesia, pain medicine, and perioperative medicine training programs & pathways.
Anaesthesia training and pathways
Information on the ANZCA, RGA, and DHM training programs and the joint ANZCA-CICM Training Pathway.
Specialist international medical graduates
Pathways for overseas-trained specialist anaesthetists and pain medicine physicians to practice in Australia or New Zealand.
Pain medicine training and programs
Information on the Faculty of Pain Medicine Training Program and Procedures Endorsement Program.
ANZCA Educators Program
An interactive 1.5-day course designed to equip fellows and trainees to be competent clinical teachers.
ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine
This course enables specialist doctors to enhance their skills and knowledge in perioperative medicine, leading to the qualification: Graduate of the Chapter of Perioperative Medicine.
EMAC course
The simulation-based Effective Management of Anaesthetic Crises (EMAC) course is a compulsory requirement of the anaesthesia training program.
Everything you need to know about the requirements and benefits of fellowship, including opportunities to get involved in the college and contribute to your specialty.
Information for new fellows
Whether you're starting out as a specialist, or being admitted to fellowship for a second time, this section covers everything you need to know as a new fellow.
Member benefits
Fellowship gives you access to a wide range of resources, opportunities, and services designed to support you throughout your career and into retirement.
Fellows’ toolkit
We've produced a range of resources to support your professional practice, including a member-only photo library.
Get involved
Taking part in our educational, advocacy, research and leadership activities allows you to play an active role in shaping the future of your profession.
Special Interest Groups
From airway management to wellbeing, there's an anaesthesia Special Interest Group (SIG) for you.
Doctors' health and wellbeing
We offer a wide range of services and initiatives to support the health and wellbeing of our fellows, trainees and specialist international medical graduates throughout all stages of their career.
We support research in anaesthesia, pain medicine and perioperative medicine to improve patient outcomes through funding and resources, collaboration, and networks.
ANZCA Foundation
The foundation dedicates around $1.5 million to medical research each year; supports our Indigenous health and overseas aid activities; and raises the profile of college-supported research.
Professional Practice Research Network
The purpose of ANZCA's Professional Practice Research Network (PPRN) is to promote research in professional practice.
Research grants
Many of the recent advances in anaesthesia, pain medicine and perioperative patient care have involved pioneering ANZCA-funded research conducted by our fellows.
Survey research
All of our surveys have undergone stringent peer review to ensure they're rigorously designed and written; respect participants' confidentiality; and avoid over-burdening our fellows and trainees.
ANZCA Clinical Trials Network
We are the leading clinical trials network in anaesthesia, pain and perioperative medicine. We have a clear focus to translate our research findings into practice to improve patient safety and care in our communities and globally.
Research consultation service
Direct a research-related query or submit a literature search request to ANZCA's dedicated Research Librarian.
As the foremost authority on anaesthesia, pain medicine, and perioperative medicine in Australia and New Zealand, we work closely with key decision-makers, the medical community, and the media.
Standards of practice
Access Prof Docs; Standards for Anaesthesia; Perioperative Anaphylaxis Management Guidelines; professionalism and performance guidelines; airway management resources; and information on reporting anaesthetic incidents.
Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander & Māori health
ANZCA is working to address inequities in Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori health through initiatives to grow and maintain the Indigenous specialist anaesthesia and pain medicine workforce; and ensure cultural safety for both patients and doctors.
Safety alerts
Important safety, quality, and supply issues affecting medicines and medical devices.
From formal submissions to social media campaigns, we leverage our professional reputation and relationships to advocate on issues affecting our specialties; our members; and the patients under their care.
Global health
We're committed to improving education and training capacity in anaesthesia and pain medicine in response to the needs expressed by low and middle income countries (LMIC).
Specialist Training Program (STP)
The STP is an Australian government initiative that aims to extend vocational training for specialist registrars into settings outside traditional metropolitan teaching hospitals, including regional, rural and remote and private facilities.
Access to our world-leading online continuing professional development (CPD) program is free for fellows, and available to other registered medical practitioners for an annual fee.
My CPD portfolio
Record, monitor and provide evidence of your completed CPD activities at the click of a button.
CPD program guidelines and forms
You can access all the forms, guidelines and other resources you need to complete your continuing professional development here.
How can I meet CPD requirements for my type of practice?
We’ve put together case studies, guidance and support resources specific to your type of practice to help you meet requirements.
CPD emergency response category
Information for anyone providing or participating in emergency response activities, courses, and workshops including how to apply for recognition of suitability.
Find answers to questions covering the updated CPD program, CPD portfolio essentials, recognised ER courses/workshops, information for retiring fellows, and much more.
CPD Resources Guide
Find information, suggestions and resourcing support specific to each of the ANZCA and FPM CPD Programs activities. Note: This guide includes resourcing only available through the college and the ANZCA library.
This information has been produced by specialist doctors and reviewed by patient representatives and experts in different areas of anaesthesia, pain, and perioperative medicine.
About anaesthesia
Most of us will need the care of an anaesthetist at some stage in our lives. We've created this information to help you feel more relaxed about having surgery under anaesthesia.
About pain medicine
One in five people in Australia and New Zealand will experience chronic – or persistent – pain at some stage in their lives.
About perioperative medicine
Perioperative medicine emphasises the importance of an integrated, planned, and personalised approach to patient care before, during, and after any surgical procedure involving anaesthesia.
Putting patient safety first
Find out what we do to ensure our patients have access to safe, high-quality, culturally competent care whenever and wherever they need it.
Providing patients with culturally safe care
Explore some of the measures we're taking to create a culturally safe environment for Indigenous Australian and Māori patients and doctors.
Is your specialist a FANZCA or FFPMANZCA?
Search our fellowship directory.
Find an RGA accredited training site in Northern Territory.
Head of Department
Alice Springs Hospital
Dr. Jacob Koshy
Royal Darwin Hospital
Dr. Brian Spain