The curriculum guides learning, teaching and assessment of endorsees, and articulates the knowledge, skills, judgement and conduct that faculty-endorsed fellows are expected to demonstrate in their procedural practice. The program’s handbook and by-law 20 outline the requirements of fellows and trainees undertaking the program. The PEP library guide contains all references in the curriculum, including those available through the ANZCA library. The endorsees and supervisors have access to the ePortfolio to log cases and undertake the assessments.
Joining the program
Applicants should secure a position in a pain unit that provides pain procedures, with agreed access to an FPM accredited procedural supervisor. The position should share responsibility for patient assessment, selection and preparation, performing procedures, and post-procedure follow up.
When approaching a potential procedural supervisor, applicants are asked to outline their previous procedures experience in the supervised clinical experience pathway: EOI intake assessment form, which is submitted to the procedural supervisor in addition to references and a CV.
Once a position has been secured, the applicant should submit the supervised clinical experience pathway application form to the faculty and pay the non-refundable registration and annual training fees prior to commencing the role. Access to the ePortfolio will be given once payment has been made.
Participating in the program
Clinical experience under the supervision of an accredited procedural supervisor will be accrued towards the pain medicine procedures listed in the program’s curriculum.
The endorsees and supervisors will have access to the ePortfolio to log cases and undertake the Workplace-based progressive feedback (WBPF) assessments which are used to promote formative assessment of endorsees through direct observation and provision of timely and constructive feedback:
- A logbook for endorsees to log cases and self-rate performance with the supervisors providing feedback on performed procedures.
- The Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS) assessment tool is used by the supervisor/co-supervisor to provide feedback to support learning and to assess the overall development of an endorsee as a specialist and professional.
- Confirmation of competence form is used by the procedural supervisor when they are satisfied that the endorsee can competently and independently perform a particular procedure within the context of the sociopsychobiomedical framework, and that they are suitable for faculty endorsement in the nominated procedure.
The endorsee has to have successfully completed at least one DOPS assessment at supervision level 4 (endorsee performs procedures independently) before approaching the procedural supervisor regarding sign off, however the decision of the supervisor to declare an endorsee as competent is not based solely on DOPS.
Supervision level | Supervisor role | Endorsee role |
Level 1 - endorsee observes the procedures | Supervisor is responsible for the performance of the procedure | Endorsee primarily observes |
Level 2 - endorsee assists with the procedure | Supervisor remains primarily responsible for the performance of the procedure | Endorsee assists the supervisor |
Level 3 - endorsee primarily responsible for the procedure | Supervisor provides intraoperative assistance to the endorsee | Endorsee is primarily responsible for the performance of the procedure |
Level 4 - endorsee performs procedure independently | Supervisor observes endorsee performing the case | Endorsee performs procedure independently and safely within expected time limit |
See the program handbook for further details on the program. See ePortfolio user guides for endorsees and supervisors/co-supervisors.
Process to gain endorsement
Once the endorsee has reached competence in their nominated procedures they may apply for endorsement. The supervisor may recommend the endorsee receive endorsement in all procedures of a category (1 or 2) should the endorsee show proficiency in most of the procedures of that category. Category 3 procedures require individual confirmation of competence forms for each procedure in which endorsement is being sought.
Applications for endorsement require:
• Application for endorsement form which includes declaration that:
- they are in good standing
- they will practice in a sociopsychobiomedical framework in accordance with PS11
• Confirmation of competence forms.
• Radiation safety course certificate of completion.
The Procedures Endorsement Program Reference Group will review applications for endorsement to confirm adherence to the program and demonstration of attainment of competency. Applications are then considered by the Procedures in Pain Medicine Committee and FPM Executive on behalf of the faculty board.
When joining the Procedures Endorsement Program, or returning to the program after a break, a non-refundable registration fee will be payable.
An annual program fee will be charged while undertaking the Supervised Clinical Experience Pathway. In the first year, this fee is due prior to commencing the placement of supervised clinical experience and upon payment, access will be given to the e-portfolio. In subsequent years, payment is due by the end of January to maintain active registration status within the program.
It is understood that many endorsees will be in the program part time or for part of the year, and the fee is set recognising this. Therefore, pro-rata program fees are not offered.
The current fees are specified on the application form.
Find a procedures endorsed supervisor
The following fellows have been accredited as procedural supervisors for the Procedures Endorsement Program.
Accredited procedural supervisor | Region |
Assoc Prof Charles Brooker | NSW |
Dr Paul Ferris | NSW |
Dr Kok Eng Khor | NSW |
Dr John Prickett | NSW |
Dr Alister Ramachandran | NSW |
Assoc Prof Marc Russo | NSW |
Dr James Yu | NSW |
Dr Paul Frank | Qld |
Dr James O'Callaghan | Qld |
Dr Diarmuid McCoy | Vic |
Dr Murray Taverner | Vic |
Dr Martyna Berwertz | SA |
Dr Matthew Green | SA |
Dr Geoffrey Speldewinde | ACT |
Dr Timmy Chan | HK |
Dr Brenda Lau | Canada |
Key documents
Key documents relating to the Procedures Endorsement Program
Explore this section
The Faculty of Pain Medicine has defined processes to endorse fellows who practise procedures. The procedures endorsement program is open to FPM fellows, and to trainees who are in the practice development stage (PDS) of their FPM Training Program.
Frequently asked questions about the FPM Procedures Endorsement Program
FPM fellows who practice pain medicine procedures can apply to have their practice endorsed without having to complete the supervised clinical experience program.