Reconsideration, Review and Appeal Policy and Special Consideration Policy

Revised Reconsideration, Review, and Appeal (RRA) Policy and the Special Consideration (SC) Policy.

The National Health Practitioner Ombudsman has made recommendations to medical colleges across Australia. As a result ANZCA’s Reconsideration, Review and Appeals (RRA) Policy has been updated, noting that this is a stage-by-stage sequential process:

  • Stage 1 – Reconsideration.
  • Stage 2 – Review.
  • Stage 3 – Appeal.

The updated policy has replaced the following ANZCA regulations:

  • Regulation 30 – Reconsideration and Review Process, and 
  • Regulation 31 – Appeals Process.

ANZCA and FPM trainees, examiners, specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs) and those involved in the accreditation of training sites are encouraged to review the updated policy, noting the key changes summarised below:

Decisions eligible for reconsideration, review and appeal (Section 30.1)

  • Decisions eligible for RRA have been updated (for example, the inclusion of examinations) and a section explicitly outlining decisions that are ineligible for RRA is now included in the policy (section 30.2).

Outcomes available under this policy and grounds for making an application (section 30.3-30.5)

  • Updated to guide applicants on what is considered a valid application, and the standard of evidence required to make an application. 

Time periods for lodging applications for reconsideration, review and appeal (section 30.6 and 30.7) and how to lodge an application for reconsideration, review and appeal (section 3)

  • Application must be submitted within 30 calendar days of the original, reconsideration or review decision.
  • An online application form must be submitted when making an application for RRA.

Applicant rights and responsibilities (section 30.8 and 30.9)

  • Section added to the policy to provide transparency to applicants on their rights and responsibilities when deciding to make an application under this policy.

Application fees (section 30.10)

  • Stage 1 – Reconsideration: no fee.
  • Stage 2 – Review: fee.
  • Stage 3 – Appeal: fee.

Special consideration policy 

The Special Consideration (SC) Policy is a new policy implemented across the college, and has the aim of increasing fairness and consistency for applicants, and guidance to those assessing and determining the outcome of applications.

Applicants seeking special consideration are required to complete an online application form in accordance with the timeframes outlined in the policy.