Supervisor monitors and supports the SIMG throughout their individual program. The supervision introduces and promotes a culture of continuous learning and professional development.
Formal supervision processes monitor and assess the SIMG performance, within a structured framework. Performance review and feedback are important components of supervision. Feedback should describe the strengths of the SIMG, areas that need development, and strategies that the SIMG might employ to improve performance. Good supervision should enable the SIMG to review and develop their practice in a constructive and supportive environment, and to develop and enhance their knowledge, skills and professionalism.
As the approved supervisor you are requested to carry out the oversight of the SIMG for the duration of employment under your supervision and to submit clinical practice assessment (CPA) reports to the College on a three-monthly basis. As detailed in the Report 1, all SIMGs must undertake requirements in addition to CPA period. As the approved supervisor it is recommended that you discuss the progress towards these requirements when completing the CPA reports.
If you have any concerns regarding the SIMG’s performance, please do not hesitate to contact SIMG team [email protected] or [email protected] for advice.
The below resources detail the supervsion guidelines and requirements of the SIMG program
The ANZCA doctors support program is available to all fellows, trainees and specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs). ANZCA has engaged the professional services of Converge International, a specialist in psychology, mental health and wellbeing who will provide a confidential and independent counselling and coaching service. This service is available 24/7.
The director of professional affairs (assessor) is available via [email protected] to provide advice on challenging training issues or clarification on training program requirements.
Other welfare support services by jurisdiction are available here.
Explore this section
Our SIMG assessment process evaluates the ability of a specialist to practise as an unsupervised specialist anaesthetist and/or pain medicine specialist at a standard comparable to that required of a fellow of ANZCA (FANZCA) or fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine (FFPMANZCA).
The Medical Board of Australia (MBA) expedited specialist pathway is for SIMGs seeking specialist registration in Australia.
The Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) has introduced a new fast-track registration for specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs), enhancing support for New Zealand’s medical workforce.
Applicants who wish to enter a short-term training (STT) position in specialist anaesthesia or pain medicine in Australia must be assessed for the purpose of medical registration. This pathway does not lead to fellowship.
The SPR is prepared for all applicants in Australia and summarises the initial assessment of an SIMG’s suitability to enter the SIMG process.
The clinical practice assessment (CPA) period is the period of supervised clinical practice an SIMG must complete during their individual program.
The SIMG PA is a one-day assessment conducted by two fellows and at times an observer in the SIMG’s actual working environment.
The Area of Need (AoN) process applies to Australia only and is used to address medical workforce shortages in designated areas. It doesn't directly lead to fellowship or specialist registration by the Medical Board of Australia.
Frequently asked questions about ANZCA & FPM SIMG pathways