FPM training courses

Our training courses and trainee tutorial program are designed to support pain medicine trainees.

Orientation to Pain Medicine Training Course

The orientation to pain medicine training course will take place in Melbourne on 1-2 March 2025. The course will be located at ANZCA House, 630 St Kilda Road Melbourne Vic 3004.

Trainees who are unable to attend in person have the option to attend virtually. We encourage trainees to attend the orientation in-person when possible to maximise on the opportunity to network with other trainees and fellows. This orientation is the main opportunity to meet your trainee cohort in person and to form study groups.

This course is aimed at trainees commencing their Core Training Stage year in 2025. The course focuses on topics and discussion forums to help orientate you to the pain medicine training program. Speakers include senior fellows involved in the development and delivery of training and recent new fellows who will share their training journey and experiences with you.

The provisional program is available here.

FPM trainees can register for the orientation for pain medicine training via the registration page. Registrations will close on Friday 14 February 2025. The orientation is $880 AUD per person inclusive of GST.

Other courses for pain medicine trainees

The online Centralised Trainee Tutorial Program runs weekly from March until October. Sessions are generally held on Wednesdays at 4pm AEST. Details on the advanced clinical skills course will be published in 2024.