
Introduction to Anaesthesia training program (Qld)

10.30am-5.30pm local time
Brisbane (and via Zoom)
Qld Regional Office, West End
Graphic image of Queensland

The one-day Introduction to Anaesthesia training program (formerly called the part zero course) is run each year in all regions and New Zealand to welcome new trainees into the ANZCA training program.

We encourage all Queensland introductory trainees to attend this free course, held at the ANZCA Queensland regional office in West End, Brisbane. Virtual attendance via Zoom is also available.

In addition to welcoming new members to the college, consultant anaesthetists and current trainees will prepare new trainees for the journey ahead. Topics relate to the ANZCA curriculum, introductory training, assessment/examination and work-life balance. Attendees will also have the opportunity to interact with consultants and trainees.

This course is delivered by advanced trainees, consultants and provisional fellows, so every course is slightly different, but all courses will include information on:

  • How to use the training portfolio system (TPS)
  • Doctors' health and wellbeing
  • Training structure and resources
  • Opportunities to get to know current registrars and provisional fellows

There is no cost to attend this course. Please email to register your interest.
