Medical Education SIG

The Medical Education SIG was formed in 1999 by ANZCA fellows who wanted to advance medical education. In 2020, we had nearly 1200 members across Australia and New Zealand.

Activities of the SIG include participation and leading the annual Combined SIG meeting, known for its relaxed and engaging experience as well as planning speakers, workshops and sessions at the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting and Australian Society of Anaesthetists National Scientific Congress each year. Future plans include a chat forum and blogs.

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." John Dewey

Steuart Henderson Award

The Steuart Henderson Award is awarded to a fellow who has demonstrated excellence and provided outstanding contribution, scholarship, and mentorship to medical education in the field of anaesthesia and/or pain medicine.

Please visit the webpage for further information.

ANZCA Educators Program

Learn to teach with our modular practical teaching course. It's available to all fellows, trainees (exlcuding introductory trainees) and specialist international medical graduates, with course modules being delivered throughout the year in major centres around Australia and New Zealand. Please visit the website for further inforrmation.

Executive committee

ChairDr Jee-Young Kim
Deputy chair
Dr Kara Allen
Dr Neroli Chadderton
MemberDr Tim Hodgson
Dr Bridget Langley
Dr Rob MarrNSW
MemberDr Nav Sidhu
MemberProf Jenny Weller