ANZCA Council meeting update - February 2025

Read a report of the ANZCA Council meeting held on 14 - 15 February 2025 in Sydney.
This is a report of the ANZCA Council meeting held in Sydney from 14-15 February 2025. Information about ANZCA Council and its committees can be found here.
Council welcomed NSW Regional Committee Co-chairs Dr Frances Page and Dr Sharon Tivey who provided an update on continuing and significant pressures facing the NSW anaesthetic workforce. The college will prepare correspondence to NSW Health addressing these concerns. Council also thanked the heads of department that joined councillors on Friday evening to discuss issues affecting our NSW community. This will continue to help inform ANZCAs responses in a tumultuous reform environment.
The Training and Accreditation Committee Chair, Dr Mark Young provided an update on current accreditation matters and the ongoing reforms being led by the Australian Medical Council in relation to training site accreditation standards and what this will mean for ANZCA an d our processes. Professor Britta Regli-von Ungern-Sternberg and A/Professor Matthew Doane presented on the activities and future considerations of the Research Committee. Dr Sukhi Hegde, Co-chair ANZCA Trainee Committee provided an update of the work of that committee and trainee issues. The New Zealand National Committee Deputy Chair, Dr Rachel Dempsey reported on challenges facing the New Zealand health system.
Council also received reports from the Australian Society of Anaesthetists President, Dr Mark Sinclair, and CEO, Mr Matthew Fisher, as well as from Dr Morgan Edwards, President, New Zealand Society of Anaesthetists.
Education and Research
Research Strategy
Council approved the revised version of the ANZCA Research Strategy incorporating Reconciliation Action Plan principles and priorities.
Specialist International Medical Graduates (SIMGs)
Council considered and approved an option for fees for the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) SIMGs expedited pathway applicants and the pathway ANZCA has developed to attain ANZCA fellowship. This decision aims to facilitate movement from the MBA process to ANZCA fellowship and demonstrates support for workforce issues.
ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine
Council noted an update from Dr Chris Cokis, the chair of the board of the Chapter of Perioperative Medicine, including a details of a strategic workshop, the status and challenges faced by the Course in Perioperative Medicine after one year and strategies to further develop the chapter
Professional documents
Prevention of Unrecognised Oesophageal Intubation (PUOI) consensus guideline
Council supported the PUOI guideline noting including a statement to clarify and emphasise that anaesthetists are expected to remain skilled in both video and direct laryngoscopy will be published alongside the Guideline.
Rural Generalist Anaesthetists (RGAs) paediatric anaesthesia guidelines
Council reviewed and approved the project to develop an educational guideline for RGAs wishing to gain competency in the delivery of anaesthesia to paediatric patients aged three to five years with ANZCA leading this work. The guidelines will be endorsed by all three colleges involved (ANZCA, the Australian College for Rural and Remote Medicine and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners). The guidelines demonstrate ANZCA's support for rural communities and collaboration with GP colleges. They will be developed using existing materials and require rural generalists to have completed their specialist GP qualification before gaining this additional competency.
Regulations and terms of reference
Council approved:
- Regulation 2 amendments to the membership structure for the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Governance Committee which represents a significant shift in the committee's approach and highlights the importance of ensuring adequate representation and expertise in overseeing projects and addressing potential weaknesses.
- Terms of reference and new Regulation 2 entries to establish the two committees that will report to the board of the Chapter of Perioperative Medicine:
- Chapter of Perioperative Medicine Education and Assessment Committee.
- Chapter of Perioperative Medicine Advocacy and Policy Committee.
- Amendments to Council terms of reference following the standard biennial review.
Fellowship Affairs
2024 Fellowship Survey
Council discussed 2024 Fellowship survey results and implications for the college's next strategic plan for 2026-2028 that is in development. Key findings included changes in priorities, generational differences, and gender disparities in views on diversity. Council also addressed the survey response rate and plans for disseminating the results to fellows.
Council award nominations – 2024
Councillors discussed and held a secret ballot to approve awards as recommended by the Awards Advisory Panel.
Professor Dave Story
ANZCA President
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