Contribute to the specified emergency scenario assessment bank

A bank of scenarios is being developed to support the introduction of the SES assessment for introductory trainees in 2025.
About the SES assessment
The specified emergency scenarios (SES) assessment is being introduced for introductory trainees (ITs) from the start of the 2025 hospital employment year. The purpose of the SES is to assess the ITs management of emergency situations. The SES assessment, together with an online multiple choice question assessment (via Learn@ANZCA), will replace the current initial assessment of anaesthetic competence questions (IAACQ). Successful completion of both assessments is required at the core unit review (CUR) to progress to basic training (BT).
For further information about changes to the IT core unit in 2025 refer to the FAQs.
The scenarios complement the medical knowledge of the multiple-choice question assessment by addressing higher level knowledge, specifically risk identification and mitigation, critical reasoning and response to an unexpected event. All scenarios are mapped to specified IT learning outcomes.
The 6 topics and associated learning outcomes are:
Topic | Learning outcome |
Anaphylaxis | IT_RT 1.1 IT_RT 1.2 |
Raised Airway Pressure / inability to ventilate patient | IT_RT 1.1 IT_RT 1.2 IT_AM 1.12 |
Massive haemorrhage | IT_RT 1.1 IT_SQ 1.2 |
Aspiration | IT_AM 1.3 IT_AM 1.16 IT_GS 1.4 |
Assessment and approach to the difficult airway / unexpected difficult intubation | IT_AM 1.2 IT_AM 1.6 IT_AM 1.11 IT_AM 1.13 IT_AM 1.15 IT_AM 2.1 |
Cardiovascular instability | IT_PO 1.7 IT_RT 1.1 IT_RT 1.2 |
The full list of LOs for assessment by SES is available here.
The SES assessment bank
An SES assessment bank will be available for SOTs to select scenarios for assessment. A standardised template has been developed to guide the structure and content of all scenarios. An exemplar SES has also been developed to support and guide development of scenarios.
Each scenario consists of a clinical stem and 2-3 questions and should require between 5-10 minutes to be conducted/completed (by the SOT with the trainee).
Contributing to the SES assessment bank
Contributions to the SES assessment bank can be made by completing the SES template.
Submitted scenarios will be reviewed by the project team to ensure alignment with topic areas and learning outcomes and scenario criteria such as one stem with 2-3 question which will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.
Where possible, please include references (likely from a basic anaesthesia textbook) at item 7 in the template.
Recognition and CPD
- Members of the ANZCA and FPM CPD program who contribute to the SES assessment bank can claim hours under Category 2 (Knowledge & skills) for Examining, including marking and writing questions.
- Authors of scenarios added to the bank will be acknowledged for their contribution within the SES implementation guide.
Submit your scenarios
Please submit completed SES templates to the project team at [email protected].
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