
Director of Professional Affairs, Exams


Applications are being sought from enthusiastic and committed fellows for the part-time, paid role of Director of Professional Affairs (DPA), Exams.

This role focuses on the support for the examinations processes within the college. The position available is approximately 8 hours per week (0.2 FTE). The DPA Exams will be working with ANZCA's Education and FPM teams as well as the other DPAs and involved fellows and will report to the Executive Director of Professional Affairs (EDPA).

While the position is based in Melbourne, residence in Melbourne is not necessary. Being a practicing fellow, FANZCA or FFPMANZCA and a current or former examiner for one of the college’s examinations (including FPM) is essential, as is knowledge and experience of other aspects of the training programs including the decisions related to progression of trainees within those programs. Prior volunteer work for the college is highly desirable. 

Enquiries should be directed to Dr Leona Wilson, Executive DPA via the CEO’s office on +61 3 9510 6299 or via [email protected]. The CEO's office can also provide a position description. 

To apply, please send a CV to [email protected] or CEO, ANZCA, PO Box 6095, St Kilda Rd Central, 8008, VIC, by 28 April 2025.