FPM assessment changes for 2025

Several key changes are coming to the FPM training program from 2025.
Trainees and supervisors should review the FPM training handbook and by-law 4 to familiarise themselves with these changes and reach out to the faculty team to clarify any questions.
Transition arrangements
- Trainees who are part-way through a training stage on 1 January 2025, should complete that training stage with the requirements as outlined in the 2024 edition of the FPM Training Handbook.
For example, trainees who commenced the core training stage prior to 2025 but have not completed that training stage, need to complete the core training stage under the 2024 requirements and then the compete the practice development stage under the 2025 requirements.
- Trainees who have completed their training time and workplace-based activities prior to 1 January 2025 but have the clinical case study outstanding can elect to compete either the clinical case study or a clinical audit related to their pain medicine practice as outlined in 2025 FPM Training Handbook.
- Trainees who commence training on or after 1 January 2025, will need to meet the requirements for the core training stage as outlined in the 2025 edition of the FPM Training Handbook.
- We would encourage trainees to keep their ePortfolio up-to date, and where possible compete WBF early in this ITA cycle to help ensure a smooth transition.
These transition arrangements align to the principle of not disadvantaging existing trainees when changes are made to the training program.
Changes to activities in the workplace
- During the core training stage, trainees will need to undertake at least 1 WBF tool for each of the Essential Topic Areas of the curriculum. This change ensures that your training covers the breadth of the curriculum.
- The numbers in the rating scales of the WBF tools have been removed while the text descriptors will remain.
- This minimum number of WBF tools that need to be completed has not changed, however from 2025 there will no longer be requirements around obtaining a global score of 4 in these activities. The requirement to have multiple fellows providing feedback remains.
- The professional presentation is now an optional activity which may be used to meet the requirement to complete a WBF tool for each Essential Topic Area during the Core Training Stage.
- To compete a training stage the multisource feedback needs to be assessed as satisfactory, and feedback must be sought from colleagues from four craft groups.
- Completion of a cultural safety training activity during each training stage will be required. A library guide with links to possible activities is available to support trainees.
- The general physical examination is being renamed the physical examination. The skills assessed in the Physical Examination will be a cranial nerve examination, a cervical spine examination and a pain oriented sensory testing (POST) examination. Trainees will need to complete this activity within the first six months of training. Trainees who have already completed a general physical examination do not need to complete the physical examination.
Changes to the clinical case study
- From 2025 trainees can elect to complete a clinical case study or a clinical audit related to their pain medicine practice.
- These activities will be grouped under the term ‘Scholar Role Activity’. From 2026 additional activity options will be added so that trainees can select from an activity that most fits their career goals.
The fellowship examination and long case assessments
- There are no structural changes to the fellowship examination or long case assessment requirements for 2025. The local long case form in the ePortfolio has been simplified based on feedback.
- The eligibility requirements to sit the fellowship exam have been more clearly defined and the maximum of five attempts at the Fellowship Examination has been articulated rather than inferred.
- Work is progressing on retiring the short answer question paper of the Fellowship Examination and introducing a multiple-choice question paper. It is expected that that this change will occur in 2026.
General process changes
- The requirements around Recognition of Prior Experience have been adjusted and are outlined in by-law 4
- The handbook articulates the process that is followed when a trainee is unable to achieve three WBFs during an ITA. It is expected that the trainee will make up the deficit in the following ITA period. If by the end of the following quarter the WBF numbers are below target the trainee will need to undertake additional training time (usually an additional quarter) with additional WBF requirements to complete that training stage.
- The college wide reconsideration, review and appeals process (Regulation 30) has been revised.
- A college wide special consideration policy has been published.
AHPRA CPD requirement for trainees who are not actively training
- Australian based trainees who interrupt their training for a period of time and are using their medical registration in some capacity (e.g. through prescribing, or undertaking locum work), are required by AHPRA to complete a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program.
- If you would like to participate in the ANZCA & FPM CPD program, please contact [email protected]. Please note that there is no additional cost for ANZCA or FPM trainees to participate in the ANZCA & FPM CPD program.
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