Safety alert

Urgent recall of selected paediatric endotracheal tubes

2 min read

The TGA and Health New Zealand have advised that there is an urgent recall of selected Smiths Medical ORAL/NASAL Endotracheal Tube products because they may have a smaller (internal) diameter than expected. The affected tubes are UNcuffed and from 2.0mm to 3.5mm size. Specific details are in the following notice from the TGA.

(TGA urgent recall notice)

All team members caring for babies should be informed about affected batches including ICU staff, obstetric staff, emergency departments and transport services. This is particularly important for non tertiary units. 

SPANZA has been consulted and has provided the following advice:

  • The uncuffed ETTs being recalled affects the sizes required for newborn and premature babies.
  • The issue is that the internal diameter may be smaller than otherwise expected.
  • The batches affected should be quarantined and replacement supplies ordered as soon as practicable
  • The quarantined supply  should NOT be discarded until replacement supplies have been secured
  • If quarantined ETT’s are required, it is recommended the internal diameter and patency is checked with a suction catheter to confirm patency and the internal diameter.
  • Consider the use of a cuffed ETT as an alternative (one half size smaller than would otherwise be indicated).

Also to note:

  • There are likely to be shortages of replacement ETTs as all units caring for babies order replacement stock, which may result in procurement of unfamiliar ETTs with varying tip geometry and eyelets. These may perform differently to the affected ETTs.