Welcome to your new website

Your guide to what’s new; where to find things; and how to help us make your experience even better.
For the past 12 months, we've been working on an essential technology upgrade to the ANZCA website, which has required us to rebuild the site in a new content management system (CMS). The new CMS delivers a range of enhancements that will enhance your experience including improved search function, faster loading times and meeting international accessibility standards.
We've taken the opportunity to give the site a bit of a makeover, but we've kept the structure and content as close as possible to the current site for now, so it will still feel familiar to you. We've also substantially improved the in-site search function, and started to implement a search engine optimisation strategy that will ensure our site continues to be a trusted source of information in the age of artificial intelligence (AI).
Where to find your favourite content
We've moved a few things around. But don't worry; we've kept everything we think you need. So if you can't find it, we've probably just put it somewhere more logical. These quick links should help you.
- ANZCA Library
- Professional documents
- Doctors health and wellbeing resources
- College publications
- Safety alerts (use the 'Type' filter')
- Special interest groups (SIGs)
- Clinical job vacancies
- ANZCA committees
- FPM committees
Don't forget to update your browser bookmarks!
Links to our satellite sites haven't changed. But here they are anyway:
- Training Portfolio System
- CPD Online Portfolio
- FPM Training ePortfolio
- RGA Training ePortfolio
- Learn@ANZCA
- ANZCA Connect
- Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
You can access them through your MyANZCA portal, and throughout the site.
Other key changes include:
- Creating curated content pages for the Faculty of Pain Medicine and Chapter of Perioperative Medicine to provide a "one-stop shop" for anyone interested in pain and perioperative medicine.
- Providing access to the ANZCA and FPM Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program content by moving it to the main navigation bar.
- Streamlining our Education and Training section by curating content under three new specialty-based landing pages:
- Combining news and safety alerts into a single, searchable and filterable list.
- Making the Contact us page more prominent by moving it from the footer to the header.
What's next?
Migrating to this new platform is just the first step in a multi-year strategic prioritised roadmap to ensure our website meets current and future business needs. The focus of this first phase of work has been on delivering an "expedited build" to ensure the smoothest possible transition from one CMS to another. Over the coming months, we will be rolling out a range of new features and functionality to enhance your experience.
Tell us what you think
What are we doing well? Where could we make improvements? What would you like to see included in future developments? Follow the link below to share your feedback.