Thousands of cosmetic surgical procedures are carried out across Australia and New Zealand every year. Nearly all procedures will require the use of anaesthetic drugs. This will range from a low-dose local anaesthetic to the use of sedation drugs, or a more complex general anaesthetic.
Australia and New Zealand are two of the safest places in the world to have a procedure involving anaesthesia, but all anaesthetics have risks so it is important to talk to your general practitioner (GP) beforehand about your options. We recommend that your discussion includes any medical conditions or allergies you have, and the medication you are taking.
The key questions to ask are listed below. You can compare the answers given by your doctor to help decide if you are comfortable with the arrangements being made for your surgery.
General anaesthetics must always be administered by a specialist anaesthetist or another registered medical practitioner specifically trained to deliver general anaesthesia and working within their scope of practice. Drugs for sedation may be given by a medical practitioner who is not an anaesthetist but that person must be skilled in resuscitation. All specialist anaesthetists have these skills. Low dose local anaesthetics can usually be safely administered, however, large doses carry significant risks of complications, including seizures and cardiac arrest.
To check the registration of the person giving you your anaesthetic, search for their name via the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) or Medical Council of New Zealand websites.
Unless you are having a procedure that can be performed with small doses of a local anaesthetic and no intravenous sedation, your operation should be done in a hospital operating theatre or a clinic that meets standards set by health authorities.
If something goes wrong, the facility needs to have suitable medical equipment and enough staff to be able to resuscitate patients or deal with other complications. If the procedure is deemed to be suitable to take place in the consulting rooms of the cosmetic surgeon it is essential for you to know that an ambulance is able to easily access the facility and the procedural room and that there is room for a stretcher to exit in an emergency to transfer the patient to hospital for further treatment.
Before you have any procedure you should be asked about any medical conditions you may have, including any known allergies and also the medications that you are taking. Your answers should be taken into account to minimise risks. If you are having a general anaesthetic, the anaesthetist will perform a detailed assessment and describe the process as well as the risks and benefits.
If you have any doubts about your procedure, it is very important to discuss these with the practitioner performing the surgery or with your GP before proceeding. Even if you have consented to the procedure and have already arrived at the facility, you do not have to go through with it if you feel uncomfortable.
Please note: This information is a guide and should not replace information supplied by your anaesthetist. If you have any questions about your anaesthesia, please speak with your treating specialist.