There’s a crisis in lower income countries. Globally, five in seven people lack access to safe, affordable surgery and anaesthesia. Through partner hospitals, the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA) offers fellowships at no cost, but donors are needed to support fellows’ travel and living expenses.
“I might be the only practising paediatric anaesthesiologist in Zambia which has a population of 15 million… Since returning to Zambia I have been involved in teaching residents and undergraduate students.” -- Dr Christopher Chanda, Nairobi Paediatric Fellow
Your donations help train more developing country anaesthetists, improving outcomes for thousands of patients. Over a year, $100 per month will support a fellow’s education, travel and accommodation for a full month.
More about the ANZCA Foundation
Learn more about the foundation’s vision and mission, and our initiatives with Indigenous communities and overseas aid work.
Our Patrons Program lets you invest in safer surgery, better pain treatment, and restoring patients’ quality of life.
There are several ways you can give through the foundation, to support research and education programs needed to help continuously improve patient outcomes.