The Environmental footprint of packed red blood cells: a life cycle assessment from donation to disposal ($A45,610)
Discovering anaesthesia recovery treatments (DART): a super-resolution microscopy approach to uncovering reversal agents ($A69,687)
PAIN in Survivors of Intensive Care Units (PAIN-ICU) Study: A Multicentre, Prospective, Observational Cohort Study ($A70,000)
Pharmacogenomic Guided Perioperative Therapy to Improve the Quality of Recovery after Surgery: A Feasibility Study ($A20,000)
Research into older patients’ Anaesthesia and Surgery Outcome Numbers in the Northern Territory: a feasibility trial ($A90,000)
Implementation of an opioid weaning program prior to TKR: feasibility and effect on postoperative outcomes ($A59,800)
High flow nasal oxygen to prevent desaturation for labouring women using remifentanil PCA (HOPE-for-REMI study) ($A14,203)
Neurocognitive trajectory in adolescents recovering from major spinal surgery for idiopathic scoliosis ($A50,074)
Nebulised fentanyl for labour pain – a pharmacokinetic and feasibility study ($A63,483)
CHIPMUNK - A Chocolate-based Innovative formulation of Prednisolone - Making Unpalatable steroids Nice for Kids ($A70,000)
Collaboration, mechanisms and modulation: Improving perioperative brain health ($A100,000)
Pulmonary artery catheterisation in cardiac surgery (PUMA Pilot): a multicentre, randomised, pilot and feasibility clinical trial ($A69,981)
Preserving brain health in older adults: does light general anaesthesia reduce postoperative delirium and cognitive decline? The Balanced-2 randomised controlled trial ($A70,000)
Prehabilitation needs of patients with breast cancer; A qualitative study ($A60,222)
Mechanistic Observational Study of Anaemia and Inflammation in Cardiac Surgery (the MOSAICS study) ($A69,970)
Long term follow up study of chronic post-surgical pain in the ROCKet Trial ($A70,000)
High flow humidified nasal oxygen versus face mask oxygen for preoxygenation of pregnant women with high body mass index – a prospective randomised controlled crossover study (HINOP3) ($A83,985)
Evaluating hypotension using limited echocardiography and microcirculation imaging in postoperative patients ($A83,685)
Early Endotheliopathy and Coagulopathy in Major Trauma Patients: Pilot Study ($A9,000)
Dexamethasone and Albumin in Major Abdominal surGEry to Protect the Endothelial Glycocalyx (DAMAGE Protection Trial) ($A70,000)
Developing a competency-based facilitation evaluation tool supporting healthcare simulation in resource-limited settings ($A83,139)
The relationship of hepcidin to patient outcomes after cardiac surgery – a sub-study of TRICS IV ($A70,000)
COMET: Changes in oscillation mechanics, FOT and lung recruitment in paediatric laparoscopic appendectomy ($A70,000)
Between-centre differences in overall patient outcomes and in trial treatment effects in multicentre perioperative trials (BALLISTIC study) ($A17,250)