Specialist resource guides

This guide contains information and resources to complement those on the ANZCA Safety & Advocacy website.

A suite of informed, accessible and diverse training resources for fellows and trainees during and following critical incidents.

Explore information and resources related to indigenous health in Australia and Aotearoa (New Zealand).
Explore information and resources related to perioperative drug allergy, including ANZAAG support documents.
Explore information and resources relevant to airway management, including CICO-related documents and resources.
Key anaesthesia and pain medicine books and journals available online to local doctors in areas such as Papua New Guinea and Fiji.
The college has compiled a list of resources to support preparation for high risk and or sero-positive COVID-19 patients.
Drug information and resources related to medications, anaesthetics and analgesics.
Information and resources supporting the colleges environmental sustainability work, including information on climate change.
Information and resources supporting ANZCA's Global Development committee.
Locate high quality, current and authoritative patient information hand-outs and education resources, written for the health consumer.
Information and resources relevant to the general wellbeing of medical practitioners, including those resources available through the ANZCA library.
Related college webpages and sites
Find out what we're doing to address the inequities in health outcomes between Indigenous & non-Indigenous people in Australia & Aotearoa New Zealand.
We oversee a range of incident reporting activities in Australia and New Zealand, including mortality reporting and webAIRS.
We are committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of our fellows, trainees and specialist international medical graduates.
ANZCA is committed to minimising the health impact of climate change and promoting environmental sustainability.
Information produced by specialist doctors and reviewed by patient representatives and experts in different areas of anaesthesia and pain medicine.
Our professional documents (prof docs), statements & guidelines are crucial for promoting the safety & quality of patient care for those undergoing medical care.
We are the foremost authority on anaesthesia, pain medicine, and perioperative medicine in Australia & New Zealand.
webAIRS is a web-based anaesthetic incident reporting system available to all anaesthetic departments in Australia and New Zealand.