Pacific online learning and education sessions
To support our colleagues in the Pacific, ANZCA host regular online education sessions thoughout the year. Sessions are broken up into target audience and topic. The table details confimed upcoming and past sessions available for the year. Please note, all times are displayed in Australian Eastern Standard Time.
Junior doctors and trainees | Anaesthetic nurses and ASOs |
| Anaesthesia for the critically unwell patient |
Difficult Airway Management Dr Rosalyn Boyd 22 March 2025, 9-10.30am AEST Zoom link | Paediatric critical care: Respiratory 5 April 2025, 9am-10.30am AEST |
Paediatric critical care 26 April 2025, 9am-10.30am AEST | |
Anaesthetic Machine Check 31 May 2025, 9am-10.30am AEST | |
Acute Pain 21 June 2025, 9am-10.30am AEST | |
Chronic and Cancer Pain 26 July 2025, 9am-10.30am AEST | |
Regional Anaesthesia 27 September 2025, 9-10.20am AEST | |
Regional Anaesthesia 25 October 2025, 9-10.20am AEST | |
Crisis Management 22 November 2025, 9-10.30am AEST |
9am AEST (Timor Leste 8am; PNG 9am; Micronesia 10am; Fiji 11am; Tonga 12pm) Please contact the Global Development team if you have any questions or would like further information.
Papua New Guinea
ANZCA has been working with the Society of Anaesthetists of Papua New Guinea (PNG), the medical university and hospitals for many years and over that time has built strong relationships based on mutual respect. ANZCA initiatives in PNG include:
- In-country support for anaesthesia training and examinations including three to four-yearly teaching visits.
- Prizes and awards in anaesthesia at the undergraduate, diploma and final master of medicine level.
- Workshop, lecture and speaker support at the annual PNG Medical Symposium and Society of Anaesthesiologists meeting.
- Support to attend international conferences and meetings.
Timor Leste
In supporting Timor Leste to build their anaesthesia and pain medicine workforce, ANZCA supports a doctor from Timor Leste to undertake their master of medicine training in anaesthesia, at the Fiji National University in Suva.
Explore this section
Essential Pain Management (EPM) is a short, easily deliverable, cost-effective, multi-disciplinary program designed to improve pain management worldwide.
Lifebox Australia and New Zealand (Lifebox ANZ) is a joint, regional project developed to ensure access to life-saving monitoring during surgery, through the purchasing and distribution of pulse oximeters and capnographs to hospitals across the Asia Pacific region.
The Global Development Committee supports both local and international anesthetists through scholarships to support training and improve global health knowledge and understanding.
The ANZCA Global Development Committee develop and promote resources to support our Asia-Pacific colleagues' continued professional development.