Resources for change

Resources contained within the ROSI have been developed by a team of multidisiplinary clinicians experienced in facilitating changes in opioid prescribing.

Significant improvements in patient safety and other outcome measures can be demonstrated when the resources contained within the toolkit are incorporated into opioid stewardship programs.


ROSI prescribing guidelines
6 MB

Prescribing support tools and guidelines should be integral to any opioid stewardship program.

Guidance documents
ROSI lanyard prescribing support guide
5.58 MB

The ROSI lanyard prescribing support guide describes how age is a better predictor of opioid requirements than weight. The guide is designed for prescribers and non-prescribers including senior nurses and pharmacists. All clinicians are encouraged to refer to the guide to assist with patient advocacy and promotion of adherence to best practice guidelines.

Guidance documents
ROSI formulary extension request
394.97 KB

Drug and therapeutics committee submission guidelines - Requesting endorsement of atypical opioid prescribing for clinicians other than the pain service

Guidance documents
ROSI scholar role activities and the CCS
273.2 KB

ANZCA scholar role activities and quality improvement activities to support the clinical care standard (CCS).

Guidance documents
ROSI presentation slides
3.17 MB

ROSI branded PowerPoint slide deck that introduces the importance of and reasons for commencing an opioid analgesic stewardship program.

Education and training resources
ROSI celecoxib protocol
3.87 MB

NSAIDs for acute pain, and guidelines for the use and prescribing of celecoxib.

Guidance documents