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FPM Training and Assessment Executive Committee

The Training and Assessment Executive Committee (TAEC) oversees training, assessment and accreditation activities.

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FPM Board and sub-committee structure

FPM Committee org chart

Chapter of Perioperative Medicine governance and guidance

Meet the agencies, groups, and individuals involved in steering the development of a perioperative medicine qualification.

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About the foundation

Learn more about the foundation’s vision and mission, and our initiatives with Indigenous communities and overseas aid work.

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ANZCA CICM Dual Training Pathway FAQs

Everything you need to know about the proposed ANZCA CICM dual training pathway, including the reasons for its development, duration, eligibility requirements and the timeframes.

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Reg 33 - Trainee performance review

Reg 34 - The anaesthesia and pain medicine foundation

Reg 10 – Standing orders at scientific meetings

Reg 14 - Examinations in anaesthesia

Reg 15 - Training in anaesthesia

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