Doctors' Health and Wellbeing Framework
The ANZCA doctors health and wellbeing framework informs our strategic and operational efforts in the wellbeing space.
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Position statement: Health of people seeking asylum
A joint statement by ANZCA, FPM, ASA, and NZSA - updated 2024
PG49(G) Guideline on the health of specialists, SIMGs and trainees
To assist specialists, SIMGs, and trainees with issues related to their health and wellbeing. It is also intended to assist healthcare facilities to develop systems that provide the necessary support
What does an anaesthetist do?
Anaesthetists are specialist doctors with unique clinical knowledge and skills. They have a major role in the perioperative care of surgical patients.
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Scholar Role Sub-committee
The Scholar Role Sub-committee reports to the Education Executive Management Committee (EEMC) and hence the ANZCA council aspects of the Scholar Role in the ANZCA Training Program
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PS15(PM) Persistent pelvic pain and endometriosis 2024 PILOT
This document advocates for a shift in the approach to managing persistent pelvic pain (PPP), moving away from a sole focus on endometriosis as the primary cause. It emphasizes a comprehensive, whole-person approach that addresses the complex interplay of psychological, social...
CO2 insufflation in endoscopy reduces risk of gas embolism
Following the death of a person from suspected venous air embolism, ANZCA recommends CO2 is used for endoscopy insufflation and that anaesthetists maintain a high index of clinical suspicion of gas embolism.
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Education Officers Network
The ANZCA Education Officers are responsible for overall co-ordination and operation of the vocational training program in their region.
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Perioperative Allergy Sub-committee
The Perioperative Allergy Sub-committee reports to the Safety and Quality Committee and works with the Australian and New Zealand Anaesthetic Allergy Group (ANZAAG) to produce and promulgate guidelines regarding the prevention and management of anaesthetic related allergy, and...
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