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ANZCA ESN national strategy consultation submission

ANZCA Environmental Sustainability Network submission to the consultation on the national health and climate strategy.

FPM submission to Cannabis and driving in Queensland-community consultation 20231215

Faculty feedback on the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads community consultation on cannabis and driving.

TK1 - Gender equity survey toolkit - 10 steps

10 steps to administering an anaesthetic department gender equity survey.

PG49(G) Guideline on the health of specialists, SIMGs and trainees

PG49(G) Guideline on the health of specialists, specialist international medical graduates and trainees

BDSH WG Report 2017

PS59(A)BP Position statement on roles in anaesthesia and perioperative care Background Paper

PS59(A)BP Position statement on roles in anaesthesia and perioperative care Background Paper

Hunter 20200519


COVID-19 patient screening study

New Australian research on COVID-19 screening of hospital patients during the first wave of the pandemic found that the documentation of patient screening procedures before surgery could be improved.


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