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Health Disability Review Letter July 2019


National Strategy for Health Practitioner Pain Management Education (companion document)

The National Strategy for Health Practitioner Pain Management Education project was funded through an Australian Government grant and developed by the Faculty of Pain Medicine.

ANZCA letter to Australian ministers of health 20211118

ANZCA's letter to Australian ministers of health re: review of cosmetic surgery 18 November 2021

Health threat from vaping reaches epidemic levels among youth

Media release: Regulators’ attempts to create a smoke-free New Zealand have allowed vaping to emerge as a public health threat which has now reached “epidemic” levels among youth, an anaesthesia conference has been told.

Traditional parenting

Different parenting methods may need to be taken into consideration when determining how to effectively treat Aboriginal children. Social structures and the greater autonomy of indigenous children are examined from the clinical context. Examples are used to highlight some of ...


ANZCA ESN national strategy consultation submission

ANZCA Environmental Sustainability Network submission to the consultation on the national health and climate strategy.

IHC Spring Meeting sponsorship form

Indigenous Health Committee Spring Meeting sponsorship form

EPA 5 Anaesthetise adult patients in rural context - EPA review

EPA 5 Anaesthetise adult patients in rural context - EPA review

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