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COVID-19 - overarching educational principles

We have developed a number of overarching educational principles that have guided our decision-making in relation to education and training during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Research Committee

The ANZCA Research Committee assesses research applications for projects related to anaesthesia, resuscitation, perioperative medicine, intensive care or pain medicine carried out in Australia or New Zealand.

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Communication in Anaesthesia SIG

​The Communication in Anaesthesia SIG plans to develop workshops and resources and provide guidance to help improve anaesthetists’ skills in all communication related aspects of their work.

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Trauma SIG

The Trauma SIG exists to co-ordinate resources, provide education and deliver updates to anaesthetists who care for trauma patients as part of their regular clinical work, those who are occasionally required to deal with severe trauma, and those who have a developing interest ...

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Clinical immersion sites 

An engaging clinical experience is essential in shaping competent perioperative medicine practitioners. The clinical immersion sites have been selected for their dedication to perioperative medicine excellence, patient care, and advanced medical techniques. These hospitals ser...

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Is a career in pain medicine right for me?

Pain medicine is a dynamic and rewarding career choice for specialists looking for a new challenge. Find out what it involves; where it can take you; and how to get started.

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College coat of arms

We were awarded letters patent for a coat of arms and crest in 1992. Letters patents are a published written order issued by a monarch granting an office, right, title or status to a person or corporation.

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Join the ANZCA and FPM CPD Program

You don't need to be a FANZCA or FFPMANZCA to join our world-class online CPD program. If you're a registered medical practitioner, you can sign up as a non-fellow.

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Cardiac Thoracic Vascular and Perfusion (CTVP) SIG

The CTVP SIG promotes excellence in education, research, and leadership in the field through the collaborative efforts of our members. We welcome all as members, who share a dedication to advancing our discipline.

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Chapter of Perioperative Medicine FAQs

Everything you need to know about the ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine leading to a graduate of the Chapter of Perioperative Medicine, including the reasons for its development; the likely course structure, duration, and eligibility requirements; and the timeframes.

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