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Airway leads networks

The Airway Management Special Interest Group (SIG) is developing a network of airway leads throughout the Australian healthcare sector. Members will work collaboratively to improve airway management in anaesthesia. A similar network already exists in New Zealand.

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CPD review project group

The CPD review project group evaluated the ANZCA and FPM CPD Program to meet regulatory requirements and members' needs.

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Supervisors of training toolkit

We've collated a range of online resources to support our supervisors of training (SOTs) with the training, assessment, and pastoral care of trainees.

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I am a specialist anaesthetist registered in Australia

Find support and resources to meet your CPD requirements as a specialist anesthetist with medical registration in Australia.

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I am a specialist anaesthetist registered in New Zealand

Find support and resources to meet your annual CPD requirements as a specialist anaesthetist registered in New Zealand.

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I work as a specialist anaesthetist or pain medicine physician in the private sector

Information and resources to help with your CPD if you work in private practice

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I practice without direct patient care

Find support and resources to meet your CPD requirements if you practice without direct patient care.

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Admission to ANZCA fellowship

Once you've met your training requirements, you're eligible to apply for admission to fellowship. Here's everything you need to know about the process, as well as information on registering as a specialist.

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SIMG preliminary review (SPR)

The SPR is prepared for all applicants in Australia and summarises the initial assessment of an SIMG’s suitability to enter the SIMG process.

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Rural generalist anaesthesia exams

Rural Generalist Anaethesia trainees must successfully complete the multiple choice question examination (MCQs) and the RGA Standardised Structured Scenario-based Assessment (RGA-SSSA) during training.

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