Supervised clinical experience pathway
This pathway is open to FPM fellows and trainees in the PD stage who elect to expand their practice by gaining workplace-based experience in planning, performing and managing pain procedures while working under the supervision of an FPM-accredited procedural supervisor
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Long Lives, Healthy Workplaces
This toolkit is a resource to support anaesthesia departments and individual anaesthetists to operationalise a framework they can put into action.
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The ANZCA Medal recognises major contributions by fellows to the status of anaesthesia, intensive care, pain medicine or related specialties.
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I am a specialist international medical graduate (SIMG)
Find support and resources to meet your CPD requirements if you complete the college’s specialist international medical graduate (SIMG) process.
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ANZCA Educators Program (AEP)
Learn to teach with the ANZCA Educators Program.
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FAQs about the anaesthesia training program
This page provides help with the most common questions about our anaesthesia training program.
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The Barbara Walker Prize
The Barbara Walker Prize for Excellence in the Pain Medicine Examination recognises the candidate who achieves the highest mark in the FPM fellowship examination. It is awarded to the top student at the discretion of the Court of Examiners.
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Gender equity
Gender equity has ethical, social, and economic benefits to our fellows, trainees, specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs), and the broader community. Find out what we're doing...
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ANZCA Privacy Policy
The purpose of this policy is to communicate clearly the personal information handling practices of the College, in accordance with relevant legislation.
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Developing Australian Standards for Health Practitioner Pain Management Education
Information and updates about the faculty's project to develop national standards for health practitioner pain management education.
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