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Renton Prize

Awarded to the candidate who has reached the highest marks in the ANZCA primary examination.

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Cecil Gray Prize

The Cecil Gray Prize is awarded to the ANZCA trainee who achieves the highest marks in the ANZCA final exam.

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Anaesthesia training sites and rotations

Information on ANZCA-accredited anaesthesia training sites, rotations, supervisors, education officers; how to become a training site accreditation visitor; and how to apply for ANZCA training site accreditation.

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2022 Rural SIG Program

Reg 34 - The anaesthesia and pain medicine foundation

2024 Rural SIG meeting program

Program for the 2024 Rural Special Interest Group meeting in Uluru 16-18 August 2024.

2024 Rural SIG meeting HCI prospectus

2024 Rural SIG meeting healthcare industry prospectus.


Pain Medicine Specialist: Perth, Western Australia Neurospine Institute is a multi-disciplinary specialist practice providing surgical services to patients with a wide range of spine and brain disorders and diseases. Their vision is to be recognised as the leader in the prov...

PS01 Recommendations on essential training for rural general practitioners in Australia

PS01 Recommendations on essential training for rural general practitioners in Australia proposing to administer anaesthesia


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