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Day Care Anaesthesia SIG

The Day Care Anaesthesia SIG aims to promote science and education through the exchange of ideas between anaesthetists with a particular interest and involvement in day care anaesthesia and the interaction with other individuals / groups, who share an interest in day care anae...

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History of Anaesthesia SIG

As its name suggests, the History of Anaesthesia SIG is primarily concerned with researching and presenting the history of anaesthesia.

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Leadership and Management SIG

The Leadership and Management SIG aims to promote science and education by the exchange of ideas between anaesthetists with a particular interest, involvement and interaction with other individuals and groups who share an interest in leadership and management.

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Regional Anaesthesia SIG

The major objective of the Regional Anaesthesia SIG is the promotion of science and education through the exchange of ideas between anaesthetists and other individuals/groups that share an interest in regional anaesthesia.

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Trauma SIG

The Trauma SIG exists to co-ordinate resources, provide education and deliver updates to anaesthetists who care for trauma patients as part of their regular clinical work, those who are occasionally required to deal with severe trauma, and those who have a developing interest ...

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Trainee Performance Review Sub-committee

The Trainee Performance Review (TPR) Sub-committee reports to ANZCA Council via the Education Executive Management Committee (EEMC) on matters relating to the delivery of the TPR process

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Awarded grants and outcomes

Learn more about important work and research outcomes funded by the ANZCA Foundation.

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Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee

The Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee assists the council in discharging its duties with regard to the financial affairs of the college. It does so by enhancing the control framework of the college, overseeing the management of its risks and assisting the council in...

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Joint Consultative Committee on Anaesthesia

The JCCA comprises representatives appointed by the councils of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA), the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).

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Facebook data deletion instructions

The ANZCA & FPM app uses the Facebook login and we do not save your personal data in our server.

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