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Safety of Anaesthesia 2018 to 2020 report released

The 12th triennial Safety of Anaesthesia report has been released and confirms that Australia and New Zealand continue to be incredibly safe countries in which to receive an anaesthetic.

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Safety and quality update

New this month: 2018–2020 Safety of Anaesthesia report; TGA and changes to labels of injectable medicines; webAIRS updates.

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National Reconciliation Week 27 May – 3 June 2024

Now More Than Ever

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Changes to Introductory Training in 2025

The ANZCA Training Program is moving towards a model of competency-based education as part of the training program evolution.

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FPM calls for implant oversight

The Faculty of Pain Medicine, the Australian Pain Society and Chronic Pain Australia say the 8 April ABC Four Corners program highlighted the need for a national pain device implant registry and a national model of implanted pain treatment care to protect patients.

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Clinical Trials Network pilot grant scheme

Generous donation expands the CTN pilot grant scheme

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Revised professionalism and performance guide now available

As part of our ongoing commitment to elevating professionalism in our workforce, we have completed a comprehensive review of the 2017 Supporting Anaesthetists’ Professionalism and Performance: A Guide for Clinicians.

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ANZCA ABC response anaesthesia billing

The college responded to an ABC online article ahead of publication on 1 May

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HAMSTER trial results published: Enhanced oxygen delivery for children during surgery

Children with breathing problems requiring surgery could benefit from a new oxygen delivery technique that improves oxygen flow during anaesthesia.

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GLP-1/GIP receptor agonists - clinical practice guide

ANZCA, along with peak diabetes, obesity and gastroenterological bodies, has produced clinical practice recommendations for patients using GLP-1/GIP receptor agonists.

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