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Letter from Dr Vanessa Bevis to Dr Ashley Bloomfield re NZ vaccination rollout 20210217

Letter from ANZCA President, Dr Vanessa Bevis to Dr Ashley Bloomfield, Director-General, NZ Ministry of Health re the NZ COVID-19 vaccination rollout 20210217

Lifebox ANZ trainee representative EOI form

Use this form to submit your expression of interest.


Independent review of overseas health practitioner regulatory settings – interim report

College feedback on the interim report of the independent review of overseas health practitioner settings.

Psychologists Board consultation on scopes of practice

Faculty feedback on the New Zealand Psychologists Board consultation on a proposed framework for scopes of practice.



Joint ANZCA RACS elective surgery


ANZCA statement on PPE

ANZCA statement on personal protection equipment (PPE) during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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