Patient experience survey (pain medicine) - form
Patient experience survey (pain medicine) - form
FPM mentor database
Our FPM mentoring program aims to support pain medicine trainees and fellows during their training and/or early post-fellowship years.
Peer review of practice (procedures in pain medicine) - observation form
Peer review of practice (procedures in pain medicine) - observation form
Reg 27 - Performance assessment of anaesthetists and pain medicine physicians
This regulation outlines ANZCA's process for nominating specialist anaesthetists or pain medicine physicians to assist external bodies with performance assessments when requested. It details the selection and duties of assessors, specifies the methods for conducting performanc...
Multi-source feedback (pain medicine) - form
Multi-source feedback (pain medicine) - form
Psychologists Board consultation on scopes of practice
Faculty feedback on the New Zealand Psychologists Board consultation on a proposed framework for scopes of practice.