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History and Heritage Grant application form

This form contains guidelines for applying for the 2024 History and Heritage Research Grant as well as the application form.


Reg 35 - ANZCA certificates and diplomas

This regulation guides the development, implementation and planning for sustainability of new qualification programs that recognise the attainment of special knowledge, skills and experience in areas of medicine related to the practice of anaesthesia, perioperative medicine an...


Indigenous NZ ASM sponsorship guidelines

DHM Clinical placement review

This form should be used by trainees completing the Diploma of Advanced Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine and must be submitted to the college within 10 days of the review meeting.


MBS- submission on telehealth 2023

MBS- submission on telehealth 2023

Peer review of practice (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - guideline

Peer review of practice (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - guideline


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