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ANZCA launches karakia for patients and whānau

Media release: The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) has launched an ANZCA karakia, designed to provide pre-surgery comfort to patients and their whānau.

ANZCA Bulletin Summer 2022

In this edition of the quarterly ANZCA Bulletin: $A2 million for 2023 ANZCA research; Helpful hints for transitioning to retirement; What you need to know about PG09 and procedural sedation; and much more...

ESWG Audit tool

PG07(A) Appendix 2 - Effect of anaesthesia on breastfeeding

PG07(A) Appendix 2 – Effect of anaesthesia on breastfeeding

Meet the NSW Trainee Committee

Current members of the New South Wales Trainee Committee



DHM MsF individual response

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