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Peer review of practice (pain medicine) - guideline

Peer review of practice (pain medicine) - guideline

Peer review of practice (procedures in pain medicine) - guideline

Peer review of practice (procedures in pain medicine) - guideline


Multi-source feedback (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - guideline

Multi-source feedback (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - guideline

Multi-source feedback (pain medicine) - guideline

Multi-source feedback (pain medicine) - guideline

Multi-source feedback (procedures in pain medicine) - guideline

Multi-source feedback (procedures in pain medicine) - guideline

Cultural safety activity guidance

Cultural safety activity guidance

Peer review of practice (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - guideline

Peer review of practice (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - guideline

Reg 37 - Training in anaesthesia leading to FANZCA, and accreditation of facilities to deliver this

Regulation 37 - Training in anaesthesia leading to FANZCA, and accreditation of facilities to deliver this curriculum.

Reg 44 - Training in rural generalist anaesthesia

Regulation 44 Training in rural generalist anaesthesia.

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