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WBA case-based discussion paper form

Summary of concessions 2020

Golden hours after surgery the key to new model of patient care

Golden hours after surgery the key to new model of patient care

ANZCA Handbook for Training Appendix 1 (IAACQ sample questions)

RGA Accreditation Handbook

Rural Generalist Anaesthesia Accreditation Handbook.

Handbook for specialist international medical graduates

This handbook has been written as a guide to support internationally trained anaesthetists and pain medicine physicians, and their supervisors, who are completing the specialist international medical graduate (SIMG) or area of need (AoN) pathways in Australia and New Zealand.

PS11(PM) Procedures in Pain Medicine

The Procedures in Pain Medicine Clinical Care Standard provides guidance on what is considered to the appropriate and safe use of procedures and in the practice of pain medicine.


PG03(A) Guideline for the management of major regional analgesia

The purpose of these guidelines is to facilitate the management of major regional blocks including epidural, subarachnoid, plexus and nerve blocks, and to reduce the likelihood of adverse outcomes and complications which may be associated with such blocks. The guidelines also ...

ANZCA Annual Report 2022

Read the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) annual report for 2022.

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