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CPD Category 3 Emergency response criteria

Category 3 Emergency response criteria

2024 ANZCA AGM proxy form

2024 ANZCA AGM proxy form

FPM by-law 2 - Committees and functions of the board

Committees and functions of the Faculty of Pain Medicine Board.


Proposed standards for accreditation 5 March 2019

Reg 7 – Annual subscription


MBA consultation on recognition of rural generalism

College feedback on the Medical Board of Australia’s consultation on the recognition of rural generalism as a new field of specialty practice within the specialty of general practice, under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law.

Paediatric patient-parent satisfaction survey (anaesthesia) - form

Paediatric patient-parent satisfaction survey (anaesthesia) - form

Trauma-Informed Care Working Group application form

Apply to join the Trauma Informed Care Working Group.

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