Reg 41 - Conduct of elections
This document outlines Regulation 41, which governs the conduct of elections for ANZCA Council and the Faculty of Pain Medicine Board. It includes eligibility criteria for candidates, requirements for declarations on practice-related issues, voting procedures, and provisions f...
DHM program logbook
DHM program logbook
PEP SCEP application for endorsement form
Endorsee application for endorsement form 2024 [new form]
PS64(G) Position statement on environmental sustainability in anaesthesia and pain medicine practice
To affirm ANZCA’s commitment to minimising the health impact of climate change and promoting environmental sustainability, to serve as a resource for clinicians to promote environmentally sustainable practices in their workplace, to assist healthcare facilities in embedding su...
Safety and Quality Committee terms of reference
Terms of reference for the Safety and Quality Committee.
PS57(A)BP Position statement on duties of specialist anaesthetists Background Paper
This document provides background to the ANZCA guidelines on best practice regarding anaesthetist duties