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Changes to the ATP curriculum - Appendix 2

Changes to the ANZCA anaesthesia training program curriculum - Appendix 2

PS54(A) Position statement on minimum safety requirements for anaesthesia machines and workstations

PS54(A) Position statement on the minimum safety requirements for anaesthesia machines and workstations for clinical practice

Handbook for Advanced Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Accreditation v1-2

Training approval application form (OCT)

WBA mini-CEX paper form

PS57(A) Position statement on duties of specialist anaesthetists

PS57(A) Position statement on duties of specialist anaesthetists

Analysing healthcare outcomes guideline

Analysing healthcare outcomes guideline

PG18(A) Appendix 1 2023

PG18(A) Appendix 1 - Intravenous access and blood pressure monitoring in patients with previous axillary nodal dissection 2023

PS53(A) Position statement on the handover responsibilities of the anaesthetist

PS53(A) Position statement on the handover responsibilities of the anaesthetist

POST Guidelines

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