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RSL Guidelines

PS01(PM) Statement regarding the use of opioid analgesics in patients with chronic non-cancer pain

Statement regarding the use of opioid analgesics in patients with chronic non-cancer pain

ANZCA Research Strategy

CPA report (anaesthesia)

Clinical practice assessment report for specialist international medical graduate (SIMG)

Partnership and Sponsorship policy

This policy provides clarity and transparency around how the college engages with and manages opportunities relating to partnership and sponsorship.


Return to practice report

Return to practice report (anesthesia)

ANZCA Pholcodine Statement September 2023

This statement has been prepared in response to the decision of the Australian Government Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to withdraw pholcodine-containing products from the market. Evidence shows that pholcodine consumption in the 12-month period prior to a general an...

Multi-source feedback (pain medicine) - guideline

Multi-source feedback (pain medicine) - guideline

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