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FPM library agreement

Library agreement for new FPM applicants to sign when joining the training program.

2023 FPM Board Candidate Profile

2023 FPM election candidate profile

2024 FPM Board candidate profile form

Candidates nominating themselves for the two elected vacancies on the 2024 FPM Board must complete and submit this form.

Annual training fee payment form (FPM)

Annual training fee payment form.

ANZCA DEI background paper

Background paper to ANZCA's position statement on equity, diversity and inclusion.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Māori Health Strategy

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Māori overarching health strategy

ANZCA Bulletin Summer 2022

In this edition of the quarterly ANZCA Bulletin: $A2 million for 2023 ANZCA research; Helpful hints for transitioning to retirement; What you need to know about PG09 and procedural sedation; and much more...


Reg 2 - Committees of ANZCA Council

Regulation 2 - Committees of ANZCA Council

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