SoT summary form (please submit to us)
Multi-source feedback (anaesthesia) - self-assessment form
Multi-source feedback (anaesthesia) - self-assessment form
FPM Case Based Discussion WBF Rubric
Marking rubric for the case based discussion workplace based feedback form.
What is anaesthesia?
Information for patients about what anaesthesia is and what they can expect during their operation.
Te whakarite mō te rehunga o tō tamaiti.
Pārongo tūroro 2: Te whakarite mō te rehunga o tō tamaiti.
2019 DHM Written Question paper
Advanced Diploma of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Written Question paper 2019
PG03(A) Guideline for the management of major regional analgesia
The purpose of these guidelines is to facilitate the management of major regional blocks including epidural, subarachnoid, plexus and nerve blocks, and to reduce the likelihood of adverse outcomes and complications which may be associated with such blocks. The guidelines also ...