ANZCA NSW Trainee Committee

Elected annually by New South Wales (NSW) trainees, the NSW Trainee Committee acts as a conduit between trainees and fellows in the region, and the ANZCA Council to which they report.

The purpose of the NSW Trainee Committee is to:

Committee members

Download your Guide to the NSW Trainee Committee.

Name Role
Dr Sukhi Hegde Co-Chair
Dr Priya Maheshwari Co-Chair
Dr Sjorji Crowther Deputy Chair
Dr Gabriella Charlton Elected member
Dr Timothy Ellwood Elected member
Dr Anri Forrest Elected member
Dr Kenjo Ho Elected member
Dr Dominic Horne Elected member
Dr Bahaven Jeyaratnam Elected member
Dr Sarah Kong Elected member
Dr Sarah Ritchie Elected member
Dr Boris Waldman Elected member
Dr Sally Wharton Education Officer, NSW
Mr Warren O'Harae General Manager, Regional Operations/NSW Regional Manager
Ms Loma Saythavy NSW Course Co-ordinator

Contact the committee

You can contact the committee via the NSW Regional Office

Phone: +61 2 9966 9085
Email: [email protected]

Please note: This email address is managed by ANZCA staff on behalf of the trainee committee.

You can also contact the committee in confidence via [email protected]. If you have an enqiry specific to being an independent trainee or want to join the Independent Trainee Network, email [email protected].

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Last updated 11:21 1.07.2024