Environmental sustainability

ANZCA is committed to minimising the health impact of climate change and promoting environmental sustainability, and has taken measures to reduce its environmental impact. Here are some of the ways we are doing this.

Join the Environmental Sustainability Network

The Environmental Sustainability Network (ESN) advocates, collaborates and promotes initiatives and projects related to environmental sustainability within anaesthesia, perioperative and pain medicine and is available to fellows, trainees, SIMGs and non-ANZCA members.

ANZCA statement on climate change

In January 2020, ANZCA released a statement on climate change.
ANZCA statement on climate changeSee the full statement here. More information about ANZCA’s position on environmental sustainability can be found in its professional document PS64: Statement on Environmental Sustainability in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine Practice.

The Environmental Sustainability Audit Tool

The Environmental Sustainability Audit Tool has been developed by the ANZCA Environmental Sustainability Working Group and was launched on World Environment Day, 5 June 2020. The tool has been created to assist departments and practitioners to develop and maintain practices that promote environmental sustainability in line with ANZCA’s professional document PS64: Statement on Environmental Sustainability in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine Practice.

While there are many actions that may be undertaken to improve sustainable practice broadly within the health sector, this audit tool is designed to help identify interventions that could reasonably be considered at an individual or departmental level.

The audit tool groups activities to improve environmental sustainability under the following headings: reduce, reuse, recycle, and leadership.
In this video, ANZCA councillor Dr Scott Ma and Wollongong-based trainee anaesthetist Dr Jess Hegedus explain how the audit tool was developed and how to use it.

Recognition for ANZCA's carbon offsets

ANZCA is recognised by Carbon Neutral, Australia's largest biodiverse reforestation offset developer, for being carbon neutral for 2019 and offsetting 485 tonnes of carbon emissions associated with flights for that year. The offset was split into two categories:

  • NZ Forestry and Pacific Islands (Solomon, Fiji, Vanuatu) avoided deforestation
  • Australia (WA) Biodiverse Reforestation Carbon Credits (BRCO), Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor

More information on Carbon Neutral can be found here.

Introducing cloth theatre hats in your hospital

Replacing disposable theatre hats with washable cloth hats has been shown as a sustainable and economically viable alternative in many hospitals. Please visit our LibGuide with studies to support this.

Here are some tips that might be useful if you would like to approach your hospital to make the change.

  • Find out if a policy exists at your hospital that governs theatre attire during surgery. A first port of call should be your online policy repository (if one exists). The next best alternative is your theatre NUM or in-charge; they’re frequently intimately aware of policies and protocols.   
  • Gather an interested and diverse team to support you. It’s best to include anaesthetists, surgeons, theatre nurses, infection control to ensure all appropriate aspects of the problem are considered. Consider involving your hospital’s sustainability team, if one exists.     
  • Write an evidence based proposal, present it to your hospital executive alongside an evidence based guideline. Include some versions that have been successful.

Green college guidelines

ANZCA proudly supports the Doctors for the Environment Australia (DEA) and Australian Medical Association (AMA) GreenCollege guidelines, produced to facilitate practical and affordable organisational initiatives and improvements to reduce environmental impact.

Healthy Climate Future Campaign

ANZCA is one of thirteen medical colleges and eleven specialty societies that are partners in the Healthy Climate Future Campaign.

Representing more than 100,000 doctors, the campaign advocates for climate action to build healthy and climate-resilient communities and environmentally sustainable healthcare systems.

The college contributed to, and endorsed, the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) commissioned research report Climate Change and Australia’s Healthcare Systems – A Review of Literature, Policy and Practice.

We are also a member of the RACP’s Climate Change and Health Multi-College Advisory Committee which provides a forum for engagement and collaboration of medical colleges on climate change and health policy and advocacy.