ANZCA regulations

The regulations govern the conduct and management of the college, consistent with the objectives of the ANZCA Constitution. The ANZCA Council is responsible for making, amending and repealing all regulations.

Reg 2 - Committees of ANZCA Council
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This document details the structure, membership, responsibilities, and governance of the committees within the ANZCA Council, including specific reporting and oversight relationships. It outlines procedures for appointments, terms, roles, decision-making processes, and accountability measures for each committee and subcommittee.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 3 - Regional and national committees of the college
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This document outlines the roles, responsibilities, and governance structure of ANZCA's Australian Regional Committees (ARC) and the New Zealand National Committee (NZNC). It covers election processes, conduct, member roles, voting procedures, meeting requirements, and reporting obligations, highlighting their role in representing regional stakeholders, supporting training, and implementing college policies, while liaising with the ANZCA Council.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 5 - Academic costume
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This regulation specifies the academic dress code for ANZCA fellows, council members, and executive officers, detailing the design, trim, and colours for each role's gown, including specific variations for the president and vice-president. The document also permits fellows to wear a black trencher cap at academic events hosted by other organisations and outlines the addition of a coat of arms patch for retired council members.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 6 - Admission to fellowship of the college
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This regulation defines the pathways to ANZCA fellowship: honorary fellowship, assessment-based admission (for specialist international medical graduates), and completion of the ANZCA vocational training program.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 7 – Annual subscription
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This regulation outlines the annual subscription requirements for ANZCA fellows, including payment schedules, definitions of active and retired fellows, and conditions for subscription concessions. It details eligibility for reduced fees based on age, practice type, location, and special circumstances, while specifying penalties for non-payment, which may result in the loss of membership and associated rights.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 9 – General meetings of the college
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This regulation outlines the procedures for conducting general meetings of the ANZCA, including scheduling, agenda items, and rules for motions and debates. It specifies voting processes, the roles of the Chair, and conditions for amendments, adjournments, and suspension of standing orders during meetings.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 11 – Robert Orton medal
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Regulation 11 is replaced by Regulation 43. Approved by Council Oct 2021.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 13 - Gilbert Brown prize
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The Gilbert Brown Prize, established in 1961, is awarded to an ANZCA or Faculty of Pain Medicine Fellow who delivers the best research presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 16 - Trainee committees of the college
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This regulation outlines the structure, roles, and election procedures for ANZCA Trainee Committees, including both the ANZCA-wide committee and the regional/national trainee committees. It details committee duties, membership criteria, voting rights, meeting requirements, and the process for electing chairs, with a focus on representation and trainee engagement in education and training matters across Australia and New Zealand.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 17 - Renton prize
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The Renton Prize, established in 1956, is awarded as a medal to candidates who achieve a high standard in the ANZCA Primary Examinations for Fellowship. In the case of a tie among top candidates, Examiners may take additional steps to determine a single winner or may consider a joint award.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 18 - Cecil Gray prize
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The Cecil Gray Prize, established in 1961, is awarded as a medal to the candidate achieving the highest marks in the ANZCA final examination, provided they meet a high standard. In cases of a tie, examiners may adjudicate further or consider a joint award.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 19 - Harry Daly research award
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The Harry Daly research award, established in 1981, is granted annually to the highest-ranked research project assessed by ANZCA’s Research Grant processes. Recipients must acknowledge ANZCA's contribution in all project publications and presentations and comply with College research award requirements.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 20 - Lennard Travers professorship
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The Lennard Travers Professorship, established in 1968 and awarded quadrennially by ANZCA, supports Fellows in advancing anaesthesia research across Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore. The award includes a one-year tenure, a courtesy title, and a presentation at the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 21 - Douglas Joseph professorship
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The Douglas Joseph professorship is awarded quadrennially by ANZCA, to recognise Fellows making exceptional contributions to anaesthesia research in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore. This one-year award includes a courtesy title and requires the appointee to present at the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting and visit regional centres.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 22 - The trainee academic prize
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This regulation details the Trainee Academic Prizes, awarded annually at the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting for outstanding research and quality improvement projects by trainees and recent Fellows.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 23 - Recognition as a specialist in anaesthesia or pain medicine; and eligibility for admission
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Recognition as a specialist in anaesthesia or pain medicine; and eligibility for admission to fellowship by assessment for specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs).

ANZCA regulation
Reg 25 – ANZCA Council citation winners
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Regulation 25 is replaced by Regulation 43. Approved by Council Oct 2021.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 26 - Standards of professional practice
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This regulation defines ANZCA’s standards of professional practice, outlining procedures for managing complaints, addressing notifications of conduct breaches, and the role of the Professional Practice Review Panel. It includes processes for adjudication, maintaining procedural fairness, and appeals to ensure high standards in clinical and professional conduct.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 27 - Performance assessment of anaesthetists and pain medicine physicians
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This regulation outlines ANZCA's process for nominating specialist anaesthetists or pain medicine physicians to assist external bodies with performance assessments when requested. It details the selection and duties of assessors, specifies the methods for conducting performance reviews, and clarifies that assessors act on behalf of the requesting authority, following principles of natural justice in reporting.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 28 - Removal of role holders, committee, subcommittee and working group members representatives
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This regulation outlines the process for removing or reinstating ANZCA role holders, committee, subcommittee, and working group members. It details the grounds for removal, application procedures for reinstatement, and the Council’s authority to issue warnings. Additionally, it describes the guidelines for appeals under the Reconsideration, Review, and Appeal Regulations

ANZCA regulation
Reg 29 - Readmission to membership of the college (and fellowship)
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This regulation details the process for readmission to ANZCA membership (fellowship) for individuals whose membership was terminated, lapsed, or ceased. Applicants must provide statements on conduct, meet financial obligations, and follow re-entry guidelines if returning to practice. The Council may impose conditions, probation, or additional requirements upon readmission, with provisions for appeal under the Reconsideration, Review, and Appeal Regulations.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 30 - Reconsideration, review, and appeal of decisions policy
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This regulation outlines ANZCA’s reconsideration and review process for decisions affecting members, trainees, and specialist international medical graduates. It provides guidelines for requesting reconsideration, review, and appeal, and details the grounds and steps involved in each stage, ensuring that applicants have opportunities to present new information and that decisions adhere to principles of natural justice.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 32 - New fellow councillor
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Regulation 32 specifies the role, rights, eligibility, and election process for the New Fellow Councillor position on the ANZCA Council. It provides guidelines on term duration, voting privileges, eligibility criteria, and Council participation for new Fellows within three years of fellowship.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 33 - Trainee performance review
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Regulation withdrawn by ANZCA Council in February 2012, effective as from July 1, 2013

ANZCA regulation
Reg 34 - The anaesthesia and pain medicine foundation
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Regulation withdrawn at April 2012 Council

ANZCA regulation
Reg 35 - ANZCA certificates and diplomas
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This regulation guides the development, implementation and planning for sustainability of new qualification programs that recognise the attainment of special knowledge, skills and experience in areas of medicine related to the practice of anaesthesia, perioperative medicine and pain medicine that are distinct from fellowship.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 36 - ANZCA advanced certificate in diving and hyperbaric medicine
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Regulation 36 applies to all trainees undertaking the ANZCA Advanced Certificate in Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine from 31 July 2017.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 37 - Training in anaesthesia leading to FANZCA, and accreditation of facilities
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ANZCA Regulation 37 concerns training in anaesthesia leading to FANZCA, and accreditation of facilities to deliver this curriculum

ANZCA regulation
Reg 39 - ANZCA council protocol
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This document details the ANZCA Council Protocol governing the conduct, responsibilities, and expectations of Council members. It specifies guidelines for roles, ethical conduct, conflict management, confidentiality, teamwork, and decision-making processes. The regulation includes procedures for electing office bearers, setting expectations for councillors' skills and behaviours, and supports provided to councillors in fulfilling their duties.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 40 - Faculties of the College
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Regulation 40 outlines the establishment, responsibilities, and governance structure of ANZCA faculties, such as the Faculty of Pain Medicine. It details the relationship between ANZCA and its faculties, including Council oversight, delegation of educational and professional standards, financial management, and the admission of fellows. The regulation reinforces ANZCA's authority while empowering faculties to oversee specialised training and standards within their disciplines.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 41 - Conduct of elections
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This document outlines Regulation 41, which governs the conduct of elections for ANZCA Council and the Faculty of Pain Medicine Board. It includes eligibility criteria for candidates, requirements for declarations on practice-related issues, voting procedures, and provisions for publishing candidate information as part of election materials.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 42 - Assessment of short-term training applications for anaesthesia and pain medicine for intern
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This regulation defines the assessment process for short-term training (STT) applications in anaesthesia and pain medicine for international medical graduates (IMGs) in Australia. It includes eligibility criteria, application requirements, assessment guidelines, and conditions for extending training support, along with procedures for fees and appeals.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 43 - ANZCA Awards
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Describes the ANZCA awards that recognise exceptional contributions to anaesthesia, perioperative, and pain medicine.

ANZCA regulation
Reg 44 - Training in rural generalist anaesthesia
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Training in rural generalist anaesthesia leading to a qualification in RGA - Rural Generalist Anaesthesia

ANZCA regulation
Reg 45 - Education program leading to Graduate of the Chapter of Perioperative Medicine
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Reg 45 - Education program leading to Graduate of the Chapter of Perioperative Medicine

ANZCA regulation