Gender equity

Gender equity has ethical, social, and economic benefits to our fellows, trainees, specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs), and the broader community.

Recognising the diversity of practice within careers in anaesthesia and pain medicine, our objective is to achieve visible gender equity across the following five broad areas:

  • Training - program entry and completion.   
  • Clinical practice - opportunities across public and private healthcare sectors that are safe, rewarding, appropriately remunerated, and offer work-life balance.   
  • Research and education - recognition and advancement.   
  • Leadership - management and health advocacy.   
  • Continuing professional development - participation in high quality program that supports clinical and nonclinical roles

Gender metrics report

The college is committed to regularly report on gender metrics as outlined in the Gender Equity Action Plan (2023-2025). The 2023 ANZCA gender metrics report is now available and provides an overarching view of the data from 2019 -2023. The image below provides a snapshot of key data from the report.

Snapshot of Gender Equity Report

Gender equity tools and resources

In March 2019, through the work of the Gender Equity Working Group, we released the Gender Equity Position Statement which states our commitment to advocate for gender equity.

In 2023, we are pleased to release our second task-oriented action plan to be delivered over the coming three years.

The action plan aligns with the five key focus areas identified in the position statement, and the ANZCA Strategic Plan (2023-2025). Regular updates on the progress of the plan will be communicated to our members, and tracked via our Professional Affairs Executive Committee.

The Gender Equity Resource Kit contains useful tools and strategies that may be used by trainees, specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs) and fellows, to contribute to gender equity within hospitals or workplaces.

The resource kit may provide guidance and support in these vital areas, which are outside the direct remit of the college. It is structured into five key areas of focus:

  • Inclusive and equitable culture.   
  • Diverse and representative workforce.   
  • Flexible and empowering workplace.   
  • Attention to closing gaps.   
  • Strategic and accountable leadership.

We encourage you to download and share the toolkit, and use the gender equity self-assessment quiz to challenge the gender balance and equity practices in your health services, departments and teams. The results might surprise you!

The Gender Equity Sub-Committee (GESC) has developed a Gender equity survey toolkit - for local institutions to repeat a version of the ANZCA survey.

This toolkit contains six documents to assist you in performing a local gender equity survey: 

In 2022, ANZCA performed its inaugural Gender equity survey and asked the question - “Does gender matter in a career in anaesthesia?”. The results of this survey showed that despite increasing numbers of female anaesthetists, gender inequity remains an issue affecting anaesthetics across Australia and New Zealand.

In conducting the 2022 survey only 1200 ANZCA fellows could be invited to participate in the survey due to ANZCA Clinical Trials Network (CTN) guidelines. These participants were randomly selected from the ANZCA database, and the GESC received feedback during the survey period that many people wished they had been selected to take part.

The GESC are happy to provide support to anyone wishing to administer this survey, and should you be willing to share the outcome of your local survey, we welcome hearing the good, the bad and the ugly at [email protected]

On completion of the gender equity survey toolkit participants of the ANZCA and FPM CPD program can claim the ‘Practice evaluation–measuring outcomes: Practice audit’ activity.

The Gender Equity Sub-Committee is pleased to share the Unconscious Bias Toolkit. The toolkit provides an introduction to unconscious bias and explains how it influences the care our patients receive and the professional endeavours of our members. It also provides strategies and resources to identify and mitigate the effects of unconscious bias.

On completion of the unconscious bias toolkit, participants of the ANZCA and FPM CPD program can claim the ‘Practice evaluation – reviewing performance: Cultural safety’ activity.

The Gender Equity Sub-Committee (GESC), like all college committees advertises and promotes positions on the committee through an expression of interest process. Applications are sought, welcomed and encouraged from all members of the college. This process has been followed from the early days as a working group through to the current sub-committee status.

If you are interested in learning more about the work of the GESC, would like to talk though how to be involved in some of our initiatives or are considering joining the sub-committee, please email us at [email protected]

Browse our Gender Equity Libguide for an extensive range of journal articles, books, links and other resources on all things gender equity.

Women are underrepresented at conferences and meetings. Particularly as invited speakers, panellists, and convenors but also, in some cases, as delegates.

At the 2019 ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), 32 per cent of speakers were female and the 2020 ASM was due to be even more promising with 44 per cent of speakers being female, however the ASM was cancelled due to COVID-19.

We have been pro-active with this issue by promoting, mentoring and actively advocating for gender balance at conferences and in leadership opportunities. We encourage conference convenors to review their speaker lists with gender balance in mind.

We also provide family/carer-friendly facilities where possible, to support speakers and delegates who are caring for children.

In accordance with the ANZCA’s commitment to being an equal opportunity employer and our compliance requirements under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012, the college lodges an annual compliance report with the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (Agency).

The WGEA report indicates what policies, strategies and work practices the college has in place to ensure our staff are able to access and enjoy the same rewards, resources and opportunities regardless of their gender.

For more information on the Agency and reporting requirements under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012, please visit the website.

The Gender Equity Sub-committee released a third iteration of a seminal gender research survey on 11 May 2022. The survey was open for four weeks and examined the impact of gender on the professional lives of Australian and New Zealand based fellows.

The first iteration of the survey was run by Dr Diana Khursandi on behalf of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists in 1993, and the second by Dr Catherine Ashes and Dr Natalie Smith in 2010.

The recent survey built upon the previous versions to further explore job satisfaction and work composition.  It was sent to approximately 15 per cent of the fellowship, selected at random, and received a response rate of 39 per cent which will provide a meaningful sample to analyse the data.

We thank all who participated, and look forward to being able to share the results of this research at the combined SIG meeting in September.

The researchers behind the three gender equity surveys mentioned spoke to us earlier in the year for International Women’s Day 2022.  Watch the videos here.

Related resources

ANZCA Workplace Gender Equality Report 2023-24
776.6 KB

Download the latest ANZCA Workplace Gender Equality Report.

2023 ANZCA Gender equity resources kit
464.1 KB

Click here to view our 2023 gender equity resources kit.

Governance document
2023 ANZCA Gender equity self-assessment quiz
254.11 KB

Take the gender equity self-assessment quiz

ANZCA Gender equity statement
130.3 KB

Read our gender equity statement

Governance document
ANZCA Gender equity survey toolkit 2024
2.19 MB

This Gender equity survey toolkit contains six documents to assist you in performing a local gender equity survey.

Governance document
TK1 - Gender equity survey toolkit - 10 steps
196.5 KB

10 steps to administering an anaesthetic department gender equity survey.

Governance document
TK2 - Gender equity survey toolkit - Survey questions
202.81 KB

You can adapt the following survey questions as relevant to your practice/department.

Governance document
TK3 - Gender equity survey toolkit - Research protocol template
251.75 KB

Use this template as a guide to preparing ethics applications.

Governance document
TK4 - Gender equity survey toolkit - Participant information sheet (2 formats)
202.82 KB

This participant information sheet is designed to assist with the ethics application and to be used as a guide. Please chose the most appropriate format depending on local ethics requirements.

Governance document
TK5 - Gender equity survey toolkit - REDCap tips
1.28 MB

This document is to assist you with your survey creation in REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture).

Governance document
TK6 - ANZCA 2022 gender equity results summary
171 KB

Gender equity survey toolkit ANZCA 2022 gender equity results summary

Governance document