The Mortality Sub-committee receives de-identified data from the anaesthetic incident reporting systems in each jurisdiction, and produces the triennial Safety of Anaesthesia reports on anaesthesia-related mortality in Australia and New Zealand.
Committee members
We gratefully acknowledge the members of this committee for volunteering their time and expertise.
Title | Name | Region |
Chair, Mortality Sub-committee, South Australian Anaesthetic Mortality Committee | Dr Simon Jenkins | SA |
Chair, ANZCA Safety and Quality Committee | Associate Professor Joanna Sutherland | NSW |
Chair, Anaesthetic Mortality Committee Western Australia | Dr Mike Soares | WA |
Nominee, Victorian Perioperative Consultative Council | Dr Reuben (Ben) Slater | Vic |
Chair, Special Committee Investigating Deaths Under Anaesthesia in New South Wales | Dr Carl D’Souza | NSW |
Tasmanian Audit of Anaesthesia Mortality of the Tasmanian Audit of Surgical Mortality | Dr Margaret Walker | Tas |
Chair, New Zealand Perioperative Mortality Review Committee | Dr Kerry Gunn | NZ |
ACT Audit of Surgical Mortality, representative | Dr Carmel McInerney | ACT |
Chair, Queensland Perioperative and Periprocedural Anaesthetic Mortality Review Committee | Dr James Troup | Qld |
NT representative | Dr Philip Blum | NT |
Director of Professional Affairs, Professional Documents | Professor David Scott | Vic |
ANZCA President (ex officio) | Professor David Story | WA |
Ms Dianne Bennett | Vic |
Explore this section
The Perioperative Allergy Sub-committee works with the Australian and New Zealand Anaesthetic Allergy Group (ANZAAG) to produce and promulgate guidelines regarding the prevention and management of anaesthetic-related allergy.
The South Australia Anaesthetic Mortality Committee (SAAMC) analyses adverse event information, specifically patient mortality, from health services related to anaesthesia and recommends quality improvement initiatives.