Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee

The Finance, Audit and Risk Management (FARM) Committee assists the council in discharging its duties with regard to the financial affairs of the college. It does so by enhancing the control framework of the college, overseeing the management of its risks and assisting the council in complying with its legal and other obligations.

Committee members

We gratefully acknowledge the members of this committee for volunteering their time and expertise.


Name            Region 
Chair    Mr Richard Garvey Vic 
Honorary TreasurerA/Prof Deborah WilsonTas
ANZCA President (ex officio)Prof David Story   Vic   
ANZCA Vice PresidentDr Tanya SelakNSW
FPM Dean             Dr Dilip Kapur   SA 
External MemberMrs Theodora Elia-AdamsVic
Committee support (non - member)             TBAVic

Terms of reference

Download the committee's terms of reference

Finance Audit and Risk Management Committee terms of reference
147.77 KB

Terms of reference for the Finance Audit and Risk Management Committee.

Governance document