Introduction to anaesthesia training

We strongly encourage all new trainees to attend this free, one-day orientation training. It covers off everything you need to know about training to be a specicialist anaesthetist, and it's a great opportunity to meet other registrars in your local training cohort.

There's a lot to absorb when you start out as a specialist in training. Our "Introduction to anaesthesia training" has been specially designed to help new trainees navigate their next five years of study.

Training content and structure

This training is delivered by advanced trainees and provisional fellows, so every course is slightly different, but all training will include information on:

  • How to use the training portfolio system (TPS).
  • How to beat the primary exam.   
  • Doctors' health and wellbeing.   
  • Training structure and resources.   
  • Opportunities to get to know current registrars and provisional fellows.

Who is the training for?

The training is primarily aimed at registered introductory trainees, but where possible, we'll also welcome junior doctors considering anaesthesia as a specialty.

Training dates and locations

Please refer to the individual event listings for detailed information on the structure and content of your local training.